
 Today i'm going to show you how to install the apps that you downloaded using iFunbox.
This is pretty easy, REALLY EASY. This wouldn't take too much time since the method of installing .IPAs is obviously SHORT and UNDERSTANDABLE.

iFunbox - is a very useful app where it gives you the ability to manage your files on your iDevices. It helps you to explore, install apps, and navigate.
Zoom in (real dimensions: 679 x 65)Image

❶. You can't install .IPAs if the file is MODIFIED/CUSTOM, take note of it.
❷. You can install .IPAs that you downloaded from iTunes as long as it's not cracked.
❸. If the installation of the .IPA failed, It means:
- The .IPA is cracked.
- The .IPA is incompatible with your iDevice, needs to have a improved gen.
- You need to have +/- iOS version.

❶. AppSync+(xx) get it from cydia (For installing cracked apps)
❷. You can install modified/cracked .IPAs

❶. .IPA
❷. iFunbox (Windows - Mac)
❸. AppSync (For Jailbroken iDevices)

❶. Open "iFunbox".
❷.  Now click "iFunbox Classic"
❸.After it, click "Install App" on the menu bar.
❹. Something will pop out, this is the time you'll install your .IPA, Locate your .IPA then enter.
❺. It'll install automatically, wait for it to finish installing and you're good to go!
❻.oh wait that's it......