1. It’s buggy: Quite a few people are reporting problems jailbreaking their device with evasi0n7. Most readers have reported that their device gets stuck at the Apple logo, and have been forced to restore their device to restore from backup.
evad3rs are working hard to fix the bugs, and will release an update shortly, so you may want to wait for the new versions of evasi0n7 to be released.
2. Jailbreak Apps and Tweaks not yet compatible
A lot of jailbreak apps and tweaks including the ones that rely on MobileSubstrate are not compatible with iOS 7. So you need to be very careful installing the jailbreak as it could result in a reboot loop, and you could be forced to restore your device. Based on the comments from our readers, it looks like some of the jailbreak tweaks are not working on iPhone 5s, which could be due to compatibility issues the 64-bit A7 chip.
We can’t blame Cydia developers as even they haven’t got any time to prepare for the jailbreak. We expect them to release updates for their jailbreak apps and tweaks shortly. Since one of the main reasons to jailbreak your device is to install these jailbreak tweaks, you will be disappointed when you can’t install your favorite tweaks after successfully jailbreaking your device.
3. Taig Chinese App Store
As you probably know by now, the evasi0n7 jailbreak installs the Taig Chinese App Store instead of Cydia if the language set on your device is Chinese. Despiteevad3rs team’s clarifications, there are some serious privacy and piracy related concerns that have been raised about the Chinese App Store.
4. Stock iOS apps may not work
While this doesn’t seem to be affecting many users, we have heard some isolated cases where users are having problems with stock iOS apps like Mail and Safari.