Sunday, December 29, 2013

[HACK] Real Steel World Robot Boxing (No Jailbreak)


- No Jailbreak

Hack features:

- 1,000,000,000 Coins
- 1,000,000,000 Real Coins
- Owned All Robots & Fully Upgraded
- Unlock All Hall of Fame Achievements 
- Lv.100
- Leaderboards Top #3
- Can sync to Facebook acc
Download>>Click Here
1. Sign Out your Apple ID
2. Choose Free Apps to download
3. Click Create New Account
4. Change Country to New Zealand
This is Fake Addresses
Street : New Zealand House
Apt, Suite, building : 8 Waterloo
Suburb : Quay
Poscode : 6011 
City : Pipitea
Area code : 800 
Phone : 567890

- Sign out your Facebook & Game Center if Connected
- Kill Apps from multitasking
- Put / Replace Hack file into [RealSteelWRB//Library/Preferences/]